Benefits of Laser Bacterial Reduction
Laser Bacterial Reduction (LBR) Therapy
Periodontal diseases are the biggest oral health concern. It affects the tooth surrounding tissues such as gums, bones, and supporting structures. Oral bacteria are the primary causes of gums inflammation, bad breath, or even tooth mobility in later stages. Conventional dental approaches like scaling and curettage can remove the dental bacteria and hard deposits from the tooth surfaces. These interventions required a long treatment time and multiple visits. Likewise, a new emerging dental technology, laser bacterial reduction (LBR) therapy is used to treat periodontal diseases. The advantages or benefits of LBR render it superior to other traditional dental approaches. Brookline Dentist professionally utilizes the LBR for periodontal diseases and bacterial reduction.
The Benefits of LBR for Periodontal Therapy
Non-invasive Treatment
Scaling and curettage are procedures that and remove the bacteria from the infected tissues. These are quite invasive procedures that can cause some discomfort during and in the post-healing phase. While Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy is a non-invasive, friendly procedure without any discomfort or pain.
Rapid Healing
The post healing time for LBR is significantly shorter than other treatment modalities. Since Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy did not remove the healthy oral tissues, fast healing and dental attachment are possible after few days. The patients do not need any additional care after a periodontal disease treatment or bacterial elimination.
Few Dental Visits
Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy required only a few dental visits and a short setting time. Time-saving is another benefit of LBR. Brookline Dentist employs specialist dentists and staff to conduct the LBR safely and with less chairside time. No anesthesia and patient preparation are necessary before the Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy.
Patient Acceptance
Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy is a patient-friendly approach. Most patients show reluctance for scaling and curettage, but they feel more comfortable with LBR. Because it’s a pain-free and rapid technique for perinodal disease. It gently removes the infected bacterial tissues and debris.
Effective for Full Mouth
The LBR is equally effective for selective teeth segments or entire mouth therapy. It is beneficial in both generalized and localized periodontitis or gingivitis. Laser Bacterial Reduction Therapy can remove the supragingival and subgingival calculus that is not apparent in the oral cavity. It is also useful for treating other dental problems such as oral ulcers, bleeding gums, calculus, and tooth mobility.
Make an appointment with our professional dentists to avail of Laser Bacterial Reduction benefits therapy in Alpha Plus Dental Center in Brookline, MA for fast and rapid gums healing and bacterial removal.
Our dental office phone numbers:
New Patient (617) 274-8494
Existing Patient (617) 277-6360